Happy Halloween everyone!
After my post yesterday a few of the Ambassadors and I went to a fundraiser put on by a group on campus called Up 'Til Dawn. This group primarily works with St. Jude's Children's Hospital and the fundraiser was a way to inform more individuals about the hospital, and the St. Jude's fund.
When we got to the fundraiser, we had to sign in, obtain pre-written letters, and then we had to mail them out to people we knew. Up 'Til Dawn had some great prizes available including a new iPod touch, which you had to send 50+ letters to be in the running to win, a Bruins package, gift certificates and more. Unfortunately, my plans to go to this event were extremely last minute so I only sent out 8 letters to my family.
There was a dj, and tons of pizza, salad and cookies for us hungry college student to chow down on, so not only did I feel good about trying to help out a fantastic fund, but I also got fed and didn't have to spend any of my own money, so I'm not complaining!
Tomorrow I have a meeting for Resident Community Council which I'm pretty excited about because we get to move on with planning some events for the rest of the year; I'll be sure to keep you updated on what great things are in store!
I'm also planning on changing my layout in the next few days...some of the ambassadors think it's too depressing, but it is Halloween after all!
Happy Halloween!
Created by: Kristin at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Red Sox Parade!
So the Red Sox have won the World Series again and it is amazing to be in Boston while they are champions. When I came on my tour to Suffolk, there was a picture in the view book of the parade from 2004 and I remember thinking I would love to witness the parade again while I was in school. Well, my wish has come true!

Created by: Kristin at 3:40 PM 1 comments
I never really wrote a post about me, my classes, my activities, or my life in general and a few of the other Ambassadors did, so I figured why not?
I'm a Sophomore this year and I'm extremely fortunate to be living in the dorms again. My roommate is one of my good friends and we get along great! We've re-arranged the room twice since we've been here, and I'm sure we'll do it a few more times throughout the year.
I'm taking 5 classes this semester, and although I wish I could be taking a dance class too, it wouldn't fit into my schedule. Luckily though, I have no classes on Friday so I can always go home on a Thursday night and enjoy a long weekend at home, which is actually what I will be doing later tonight. Which reminds me, I need to begin packing!
I was recently named President of Resident Community Council, which is a club on campus. I'm extremely excited about it. I've already researched and planned out some great events for this coming up year.
I really like to keep busy...if I'm not then I just end up sitting on Facebook for hours at a time and that really isn't healthy.
When I'm at home (in Connecticut) I work at a hotel in my town and I absolutely love it. I love the people I work with, and I like being able to talk to all the guests that come in, and sometimes play jokes on them (like telling them I just finished painting the lobby, or 10% of their winnings at Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun must come to me). I truly think I want to manage a hotel someday, or work in Disney World.
I also entered a pageant in my home town over the summer and won which is fun because I get to do community service, participate in parades, and I got free entry to tons of other fairs in the state of CT, although I couldn't always go to them. My sister also competed in Miss Connecticut this past year, so having two title holders in the family certainly keeps my family busy!
And just for fun, I'm going to add a picture of me with some of my new friends from the summer!
Created by: Kristin at 5:20 PM 1 comments
Suffolk's Salem Trip
On Friday, October 19th, Program Council sponsored a trip to Salem, Ma. I had never been before, although my mom always wanted to go when I was younger, so I decided what better time to go than now?
The tickets were only $15 and included admission to two Haunted Houses, the Wax Museum, and a Candlelit Walking Tour.
To be honest, I was disappointed with the signs that accompanied the wax figures in the museum because I came across a few spelling errors. For example Bridget Bishop was spelt Bsihop. I certainly would have thought that someone would have done some spell checking before posting the signs, but we're only human.
My favorite part about Salem was definitely the candlelit walking tour that we took through the town. We stopped at various locations such as a graveyard, the old police barracks (which is now a home), and a restaurant. Apparently people have claimed to have seen ghosts wandering about the streets and between windows in homes, but I was pretty satisfied with not having encountered any ghosts.
All in all, the night was a lot of fun, thanks Program Council! :)
Created by: Kristin at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Here We Go!
We've started this nifty blog project and I'm pretty excited about it. I decided to customize my background for Halloween...it's one of my favorite holidays.
Today was kind of a busy day for me. I had an exam in Microeconomics and I feel I did okay on it. Then I had two more classes which is pretty typical for my Tuesday's and Thursday's.
Went to work at 4 and started working on my blog! It's going to be pretty awesome when I change it up all the time, I'll always keep you guys guessing!
Created by: Kristin at 9:44 PM 2 comments