

Government Center is a solid sheet of ice and I have to walk through it to get to class. I can't tell you how many times I almost fell walking through there today. I guess I'll take the T back to the North End again because I really don't want to relive that experience.

The snow yesterday was fine! Just the whole rain turning everything into ice is not something I enjoy.

Other than that, I gave a 60 second "elevator pitch" about myself today in my Interpersonal Effectiveness class and I think I did really well compared to everyone else who went up. I only said "um" once and I didn't even use a notecard. Gooo me! Everyone in the class was grading each other on different aspects such as eye contact, volume, how comfortable we were etc on a scale of 1-5. Then we had to give feedback as to what the speaker did well, and what they could have done to improve the speech. After I sat down someone asked the professor what they should do if they had no improvement feedback to give. Sounds like a good grade from that person at least!

And now on to filing and a class in 1.5 hours.


chris is better than haley

So in case anyone was wondering about my title, a wonderful new Ambassador, Chris, typed it because I had a post earlier in the year titled "Haley is Amazing" and he felt he had to top that.

Moving on to more important things, Suffolk didn't cancel classes today which was a little upsetting when I got up this morning, but I'm okay with going to class because if we had today off we would have to make it up sometime later in the semester, most likely on a Friday, and you won't catch me on campus on a Friday unless I'm going to work.

3 weeks down this semester, and the classes simply aren't holding my attention. I tend to space out the most in the Empires & Globalization and Operations Management classes; it figures I would do that since both of those professors have heavy accents. I'm not a fan of my history professor's teaching style where he'll talk about the PowerPoint slides, and then post them after the class so you end up with descriptive notes like "on the slide with the red blob..." yeah, it's going to be great trying to decipher those out.

My puppy hit 5 months yesterday! She's so sweet and I miss her so much. I went home two weekends ago and completely surprised my mom when I walked in the house, but I really went home because I wanted to see my puppy! I tend to sit on the kitchen floor a lot because Ruby will wander off and sit in your lap; she actually fell asleep in my lap when I was home last. I'm curious to see what's going to happen when she is full grown and tries to sit in our lap. Talking about her makes me miss her so much more! Sad.

Other than spacing out in class, not much else has been going on. Chris and I are discussing what we're going to have for dinner, and just like I'm at a loss of what to eat, he suggested the same things I tend to eat. Back to the beginning. It's almost time for me to go home! I really just want to get home before the weather gets really bad. It's raining now which is a problem because all the roads and sidewalks are icy! Here's to hoping I make it home in one piece!


And we're back!

The Spring 09 semester is now a week under way! If only I could say it was 10 weeks over with, but 9 weeks from now I will be able to say that. This semester is shaping up to be a challenge for me with 4 Management classes and 1 diversity requirement class.

Here's a look into my schedule if you're interested. On Monday's and Wednesday's I have 3 classes from 10-2:15; Business Law, Finance and Operations Management. Tuesday's and Thursday's I have Interpersonal Effectiveness and Empires & Globalization.

I'm anticipating a lot of reading for this semester, and issues with Finance and maybe Operations Management. When 3 of 5 professors have accents it's hard sometimes to really hear what they're saying and there are bound to be some issues.

My break was nice and relaxing. I was able to spend a lot of time with my puppy Ruby who is an absolute love! She's almost 5 months old now and I miss her tremendously! I make my mom take pictures of her and send them to me almost everyday. Unfortunately I didn't work much this break because with the current state of the economy, no one is really staying in hotels and spending money. I think out of 5 weeks I worked no more than 4 days at the hotel. Ugh.

Christmas was a lavish affair in terms of gifts. I got wonderful fleece sheets for my bed, a new iPod Touch, a red peacoat, the entire series (well the seasons I didn't have yet) of CSI Las Vegas and a whole bunch of other things like books, gift cards etc.

My best friend just moved down to Florida for school after two years at a local community college and a semester in South Africa, and I am extremely jealous of the warm weather she is enjoying. I want so badly to fly down and see her, but our spring breaks are a week apart, and it's a lot of money to fly down for 2 nights so I'll have to see what can be done.

Other than that there isn't much going on right now! I'll be sure to have some more interesting things as the semester progresses.