
5 Weeks Left!

I had such a wonderful time in Disney! I decided to go on a character hunt and I left with 15 pictures. I know it sounds kinda childish, but I hadn't gotten my picture taken with characters since I was literally about 8 years old, so I thought it was about time. All the characters did some silly things in the pictures, and I can only imagine it's nice to not have to deal with small children sometimes.

The weather was gorgeous, in the high 80's the entire week, and coming back to low 40's was rather painful! I wore flip flops on my way home and when I got off the plane I was pretty cold even though I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. I've decided I want to look into doing an internship in Disney at some point over the next two years. They have amazing opportunities for college students, and I really want to go down there for a few weeks and start learning the ropes of such a gigantic company, specifically their hotels. I should also look into seeing if I do something like an internship down there, if it would transfer to Suffolk in terms of credits or if it would fulfill my internship requirement; that would be amazing!

But now, it's back to school and work as usual. 4 weeks until finals, and 5 weeks until I move home for the summer. It simply does not seem possible that my Sophomore year is rapidly coming to an end. Sometimes I just don't feel old enough to be in college, let alone old enough to be halfway through my college years! I'm just going to keep plugging along and enjoying everything that comes my way.

And on that note, it's time for me to head off and do some work for my counselor who I haven't seen in a solid week; I'm sure I have lots of work to go back to. Yay!


I'm Still Counting Down...

Not a whole lot has happened since my last post, just the typical work and school business. My dad came up to visit last weekend and it was really nice to see him. Unfortunately Saturday's weather wasn't very cooperative since it was cold, windy and rainy. My dad, my roommate and I ventured off to Beacon Hill to look at an apartment but it wasn't anything spectacular. I've actually been extremely disappointed in the apartments I've seen so far. Either they're incredibly small, they're too far from campus, or the price is too ridiculous for what's being offered.

That's kind of a big drawback for living in the city for school; lack of dorms. I really hope someday Suffolk will have enough housing for everyone, but it may certainly be a long time before that happens.

Have I mentioned lately I'll be in Florida on Saturday? I'm very excited.

I got my second Accounting exam back today and it wasn't a complete disaster. I got an 83 which is okay, considering I struggle tremendously with that class. I overheard another student saying she got a 36 on the exam, so as bad as this may sound, I'm very happy with the grade I got. And yay for academic advising today. I've learned I've acquired some extra credits from various courses that are 4 credits, even though I'm in the Sawyer School and the courses are 3 credits, but I'm not complaining. The more extra credits I acquire, the fewer extra classes I'll have to take.

I've also been told I have to sign up for an academic planning session which is an hour long and I get the next two years of my life planned out for me. I have to do that before I move home in May, so I should probably make an appointment to get that done.

Some of the lovely work studies here are busily working on sending out information to accepted students, and everywhere I turn there are people stuffing envelopes, and I'll probably join them soon to keep busy for the next two and a half hours.


Yay it's March!

I'm really glad it's March because that means the weather is going to start getting warm again and I love warm weather! This week is an extremely hectic week for me. I have 3 exams in Marketing, English and Accounting and even though I literally spent every waking moment of my weekend devoted to understanding the General Prologue of the Canterbury Tales and knowing definitions of Quantitative and Qualitative data, I just really want it to be Thursday so I can breathe a sigh of relief and know that it's all over.

I already know my Accouting exam is a lost cause, but we are allowed a 3x5 index card filled on both sides with helpful equations so I think I will be able to figure more problems out on this exam instead of just aimlessly guessing and getting 0 points instead of a possible 5 or 6 out of 10. This is me being optomistic, regardless of my mother saying an index card won't help because I just don't understand the subject...I'll take what I can get.

On another note, I was able to experience a great little pub in Boston on Friday with Whitney. It's called Seven's, approproiately named because of its location on 77 Charles St. Another ambassador, Kevin, works there and so we were able to hang out and relax for a few hours all the while having an impromptu Ambassador get together. I'm sure Whitney and I will go back again; it had a great atmosphere and everyone there was really nice.

Well, it's almost that time for me to head out of the office and become a slave to my homework again. Or go to CVS...probably both because I'm out of bowls for my cereal and the cafeteria doesn't stock bowls which is extremely frustrating.