Happy summer everyone! See you when I'm a Senior! Ahhhh. :-)
"You can design, create and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it takes people to make the dream a reality. " Walt Disney
Happy summer everyone! See you when I'm a Senior! Ahhhh. :-)
Created by: Kristin at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Okay so I'm almost done. I have to sit through a guest speaker in my Empires & Globalization class and then I can say I'm done with classes for my Junior year.
I have 3.5 exams; the .5 being a 10 minute role play so I don't really count that as a final. Come to think of it, I don't really count my Business Law exam as a final either. It's only on 2 chapters and my professor said he's gone in an hour so that really isn't much of an exam.
This past week was Information Sessions here at Suffolk so I gave 4 wonderful tours this week. I'm giving a tour next Thursday at 3pm and that will be my last tour of the year! It's crazy how time flies. I'm not getting all sentimental here because I'm not a Senior, but sometimes the year went by too fast and other times it really just took waaaaay too long.
I'm really looking forward to the next few days though. Tonight is the Ambassador dinner, tomorrow is Spring Ball and Saturday we're having one last Ambassador get together.
Now it's time for me to head off to my last class of my Junior year! :-)
Created by: Kristin at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Two weeks ago I officially switched over to wearing flip flops and it has been fantastic. There were only two days that I wished I wasn't wearing them, but for the most part the weather has been sunny and warm; a perfect way to end April and my Junior year!
This past week wrapped up a lot of work I had including two exams and two group presentations. I only have one more group presentation in Empires & Globalization on concentration camps and that presentation is only 15-20 minutes so that should be really easy. I'm pretty stoked about having Monday off even though it's supposed to be rainy and only 45 out but it's supposed to be almost 70 on Friday!
My mom is coming up tomorrow and we're spending the night in the Millennium Bostonian hotel which is right across from the Hard Rock Cafe and Quincy Market; my mom loves shopping at the Coach store, so this hotel is a perfect location for her. I love when family comes to visit because I get completely spoiled. :-)
I bought my ticket for Spring Ball and I'm really exicted to go with a few other Ambassadors. I still need to buy a dress so maybe I'll look around this weekend with my mom and then go out and buy one with Allison next week since we made plans to go dress shopping together.
In 3 weeks I'm seeing Keith Urban in concert at Mohegan Sun and I can't wait! I saw him last year with Carrie Underwood and he was fantastic so I'm sure this show will be just as good.
Created by: Kristin at 11:28 AM 0 comments
I have so many projects going on right now, it's ridiculous! I can't remember Sophomore or Freshman year being this busy. I gave a 5 minute presentation based on a managerial interview I did a few weeks ago in my Interpersonal Effectiveness class today, and that went well. However, on the 14th my group has to teach class for 30 minutes on Creativity, and on the 15th I have an Operations Management 15 minute presentation. Not to mention I have a 15 minute History presentation either the 21st or 23rd (I'm sure I'll find out either today or Thursday), a 2000 word summary for History due before the end of the semester, and finals to worry about.
On a happier note, I worked the Business School Showcase on Sunday and it went really well. I spoke at two of the welcome sessions and I was able to hang out in the sun and point people in the right direction when they were lost.
Spring Ball is coming up on the 24th and I've been persuaded to go. I've been to a few of them over the past 3 years, and while I wasn't planning on going to this one, many of my friends asked me to go. Then on the 25th I've invited all the Ambassadors over to my apartment for one final get together before finals start and the summer arrives.
I'm really looking forward to summer. I have too many group projects/meetings/papers to complete and there are only 22 days until summerrr. On a side note, if you haven't been to Zappos.com, you really should. I ordered 2 dresses yesterday around 3 pm and they came in already, and the best part about it is the shipping was free! They have some great stuff and I can't wait to pick up my dresses, go back to my apartment and try them on!
I'm going home this weekend to work, spend time with my family and get a delicious meal on Easter (while wearing one of my new dresses). Have I mentioned how much I can't wait to see my puppy? I miss her tremendously. Now I'm off to give a tour!
Created by: Kristin at 11:48 AM 0 comments