Today is the official mark of being halfway through the Spring 08 semester, and I must say it feels pretty good. But, at the same time there's sooo much work that I need to get done for this week, it's pretty crazy. I have a Marketing case due tomorrow and I have an exam in that class on Tuesday. I also have to recite the first 18 lines of The Canterbury Tales for my English class tomorrow too. Surprisingly, it's a lot harder to memorize and recite those lines than I thought. I still have four lines to memorize by 11 am tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.
It's starting to get a little warmer up here and there isn't much snow left on the ground which makes me extremely happy. I'm not a big fan of the winter, I like spring and summer more and I'm counting down the days to May 1st when I can move home again. Speaking of warm weather, I will be in Orlando in 17 days! I started the count down around 140 days, so I am so excited! I have a reason to keep going every day haha.
The Ambassadors are having a get together on Friday and it should be a really good time. We don't all get to see each other while we're in the office, so it's nice to see eachother outside work and be able to relax and have a good time together. Yay for good food and good company on Friday!
Two and a half weeks left!
Created by: Kristin at 2:21 PM 1 comments
I knew it.
I'm not really sure where I should start this post, but I suppose I can start it off with some bad news, because things get better after that. I had my first Accounting exam last week and I thought I did okay on it, and by okay I mean I knew I got a few multiple choice questions wrong and I knew I had completely blown one 10 point question because I had no idea how to do it.
So then it came back and a big fat 76 out of 120 (or a 63) was staring at me. I hate doing poorly on my exams, it's the worst feeling in the world. So now that my first exam is over I definitely know I need to work harder next time and I need to turn in all my homework and show up to every class and get some extra help, which I fully plan to use the Ballotti Learning Center since it's a free service and someone can tutor me who has had my professor before.
On to happier news!
I got a 95 on a Marketing Case about Facebook, so I'm certainly doing fine in Marketing, and I had an exam in that class today too and I feel pretty confident about it.
Other than school work, I'm working on fighting off a cold. First it was a sore throat, then a cough, and now I have a pretty nasty headache all the time and aspirin doesn't help at all. Blahh. This is week two of this cold and I want it to go away nowwww. My sister told me I need to get better before Disney, which I plan to be all healed in 32 days.
The weather is still cold and snowy up here but it isn't sticking to the ground which I guess is okay. My mom is coming up this weekend and her, my roommate and I are going to start looking at apartments for next semester, since you have to move off campus when you're a junior. It's a minor drawback of being in the city but my roomie and I couldn't be more excited about having our own place either in Beacon Hill or the North End.
Created by: Kristin at 4:26 PM 0 comments
3 down, 12 to go!
Three weeks down so far this semester and we have 12 more. I have to say 12 weeks sounds like a really long way from now, but it really isn't. It's only 3 months and one week of that will be Spring break, and the last week is Finals so we really only have 10 weeks of classes left! And since my classes are twice a week, that turns out to be about 20 classes left. I'm really trying to be optimistic here but sometimes I really just don't feel like going to class, like today.
Today was raining, cold and just not pleasant. Of course I didn't grab my umbrella, wear a jacket with a hood, or wear a hat today so I got kinda wet walking back and forth to class. Note to self: when it says it's raining on Yahoo Weather, that usually means it is and to plan accordingly.
Classes are going okay so far. I do think I'll have a problem in Accounting though because we just don't get along. I have an exam there tomorrow and if we dress up in business attire, we get an additional 10 "class participation" points. Skirt and heels here I come! I'm going to need to get some help for that class. I generally understand everything in theory, but sometimes I just get really lost...that or it is always 80 degrees in that class room and trying to pay attention is extremely difficult.
On another note, the Patriots lost the Superbowl and I'm pretty upset about that. I was really hoping they would have a perfect season but it happens, and there is always next year...right?! :-)
I have so much to do and just not enough time! And on top of that I'm just tired all the time. I literally want to sleep all day and all night which can't be a good sign. Today I feel a little better but I could definitely take a nap right now and I wouldn't have a problem with it!
Lastly, the Spice Girls were AMAZING on Wednesday night! I'll have to edit this post later today with a picture or two from the concert because they aren't on this computer. Then, I went home to see Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood who were also just as fantastic. At one point during the show, Keith Urban got off stage, and walked into a lower section of seating and sang in the middle of a bunch of fans. I was extremely jealous. Then, he proceeded to take out a silver sharpie, sign his name on the guitar he was playing, unplugged it, and handed it to a fan. I really need to be more lucky because I would give an arm or a leg to have that happen to me, let alone meet someone famous...legitimately would give a limb.
Created by: Kristin at 4:15 PM 1 comments