
Thanksgiving and such.

It's been a while since my last post, but at least this time I will have plenty to talk about!

My RCC event was a success, everyone came down and decorated cupcakes. We had about 100 that were gone in 20 minutes. Fortunately I was able to snag two before everyone else grabbed them and I decorated one for my roommate since she wasn't around to join in on the festivities. Kevin Thompson, the advisor for RCC and the Assistant Resident Director in the Miller Hall dorm took a few pictures, I'll see if I can get those from him and post them up.

Open House went really well but it was certainly a hectic day. All of the speeches were fantastic during the three openings that we had. All the Ambassadors did a little bit of everything from setting up and decorating the Ridgeway Gym to directing families to Donahue and giving tours. Most of us only gave one tour throughout the day, and my tour had about 50 or so people on it, it was a lot of fun! Fitting into 3 elevators was also a challenge but everyone was wicked nice so it worked out.

After Open House I spent some time with my dad and we went out to dinner and did some shopping but I have tons more Christmas shopping to do before I move home for the winter break.

I went home for Thanksgiving and I didn't think it was possible to be so excited about food, but I definitely was. I worked every day, at the hotel in my town, except for Thanksgiving so unfortunately, I never had the chance to sleep in past 8, but I did make some more money for Disney and Christmas presents so it was worth it.

So now that I'm back, it's time to get back into gear for the last two weeks of the semester. I had to give a presentation in my Entrepreneurship class on Monday about a business a team member and I had interviewed. I have a few more smaller projects popping up here and there before the semester ends, but my main concern right now is trying to do well on my finals...Accounting is not a good friend of mine.

And on a side note, I decorated my dorm room for Christmas with some colored lights and snowflakes. It looks lovely when the flourescent lights are off and just the christmas lights are on :)


I'm a little sad...

Things have been going great for me lately! I was able to get all the classes I wanted, which means no Friday classes again! And I finally get to sleep in on Monday's which is lovely because who doesn't like to sleep in late on Monday mornings? I'm spoiled...

I have an RCC event coming up on Monday that I am excited about. I haven't yet hung up signs for it but I'll work on that tonight and hopefully have them hung up by Friday.

All the Ambassadors got together for a dinner party Sunday night and it was a really good time. Our wonderful hostess, Lauren, made some fantastic food such as mozzarella sticks, baked ziti, and chile. Zack, Whitney, and I engaged ourselves in a Guess Who tournament, and then Zack and I decided to play Clue which was one of my favorite games from when I was a child. It was really nice to be able to see everyone outside the office in a relaxed environment, and I would definitely get together with them another time soon!

Most of the ambassadors are participating in College Week Live, where we enter a chat room and answer questions interested students may have about Suffolk. Unfortunately, while I have been in the chat, there haven't been too many students, but other ambassadors have told me they have had more luck later during the day.

So now I'm going to talk about why my blog title says I'm a little sad. When I was younger, my dad used to take me to a place called Mystic Carousel and Fun Center. They had tons of arcade games, and to me it was heaven to save up my tickets for those big prizes they used to have. I hold so many memories of that place through all the times it had changed around, and through all the people I know who used to work there. A laser tag facility moved into a section of that location, when the arcade downsized, and I worked for that company for about 2 years. Our location in Mystic was the best one, and the staff was even better. We moved out of the building because it was getting old, and we were told it would be knocked down to become a hotel; that was over a year ago. My sister sent me a text message today and told me they had finally knocked the building down. I'm heartbroken.

On another note, Open House is Saturday which should be a huge success. Drew and I have been asked to speak at the event and I am pretty excited about it, but I'm not excited about having to be at work at 8 am. My dad is also coming up this weekend! I haven't seen him in a while, I miss him!


Oh work!

After my last blog I decided to redesign my layout and I rather like it! Unfortunately, the entire fall picture doesn't show up on all computers, but regardeless it still looks nice!

I'm registering for classes tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning which is kind of rough considering I don't have to wake up until about 9:15 for class but I'm glad I get to register early so I have a better chance of getting the classes I want.

I've been bringing prospective students with me to a few of my classes lately and it's great that there is a lot of interest in doing this...you only hear so much from the tours but sitting in on a class is how you really get the feeling for what going to Suffolk would be like.

I've also been working on planning some events for Resident Community Council (RCC), and we're having one on Monday, the 19th. The theme is RCC's Thanksgiving sendoff where students can come to the main lobby of the Miller Hall dorm and decorate cupcakes, drink cider, play some games and go home with some fun little souvenirs. Although, I will admit I'm hoping this event will draw some attention to the club and help attract dedicated members because there's a shortage of them.

Other than that, life has been rather busy lately with tons of homework and working in the Admissions office. I have quite a few projects and tests coming up which I am not looking forward to (who does?) but I am looking forward to seeing my friend Laura on Friday who I haven't seen since the summer. My mom is coming up to visit on Saturday which means free lunch and some shopping, and there is an Ambassador dinner on Sunday.

I'm also really excited that America's Next Top Model is on tonight, but I'm also sad that Lost's new season isn't going to start until February! I'm not going to have any shows to watch when ANTM ends and before Lost starts. It's a tragedy.

Last, but certainly not least, I am going to DISNEY WORLD during my Spring Break in March. My sister and I are going to be spending 5 wonderful nights at the Polynesian Resort and I'm booking the plane tickets tomorrow for it. I just went in May, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford another trip in March.

oh yes, I will be there in March!