
Why am I still sick?

I've finally gotten over my cold (yay!) but now it seems that I'm battling a stomach bug that seems to trigger around me sleeping which is really weird. Nothing can ever be simple with me.

Reading and homework is really starting to pile up and I'm not a fan. I think I have Senioritis already and I'm only through the first month of school. My History class demands a lot of reading which I'm resistant to doing because I'm not a History major; no excuse I know. I have a quiz Thursday so I know how I'll be spending my free time.

I really need to get most of my homework done tonight and tomorrow because I'm going to a wedding this weekend so we'll see how my time management skills work out...I'm going to say not well and move on.

My Human Resource Management class got cancelled tonight and I'm really excited about it because I truly dread my 9 hour Tuesdays. 10 more HRM classes but who's counting...right? :-)

Jack and I gave a lovely tour together today. It's nice to give a tour with another Ambassador because you sometimes get a completely different perspective; Jack has gone to our Madrid campus in Spain and is trilingual!

Back to work for another hour and then I get to go home!


Delia said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. It's not fun being sick. But now we can enjoy our "snacks" of the day :)