
It's been way too long!

I feel bad I haven't posted in almost a month; I guess I was much busier than I thought. I'll try to do a quick recap of my life over the past month.

My group project for International Management (the bad one) is all over with and we did okay. One group member talked for 25 of the 45 minutes on her country which messed the rest of us up, I'm still angry about it to this day, and I admit, a little embarassed because our professor had to cut us short.

I had another mini presentation the week before Thanksgiving for my Organizational Behavior class and that went really well; we got a 96 so I really can't complain! I finished a 5 page paper for that class and handed it in on the 26th so I got an additional 5 points on it.

Thanksgiving was fantastic! I went to my grandparent's house for lunch and then I saw my dad for dinner and we had so much food left over that I'm still munching on some turkey from my dad's. :)

Tomorrow I'm done with classes for the semester. I have one exam tomorrow and how I do on that exam well determine whether or not I take the final because it's up to me. I'm a little frustrated that I'm done on December 3rd, and then I have to come all the way back to campus on the 11th to take a final for Macroeconomics. I really wish I could take it earlier but that's okay I suppose.

I can't believe this semester is over already! It flew by so quickly. I also can't believe that yesterday was 60 degrees! December 1st and I felt like I should be in Florida, it's crazy. My roommate and I have started to decorate our apartment with a christmas tree, candles in the windows with some fake snow sprinkled on the windowsills and snowflaks hanging from the doorways. I ordered plenty more decorations (because Christmas is my favorite holiday) and I can't wait for them to come in this week so I can finish decorating!

So now I'm just working in the office and I can hear some people listening to Christmas music which makes me happy :) We have an Ambassador dinner tomorrow night in the North End which I'm really excited about! Yay food! Speaking of which, I think it's almost lunch time for me!