Me and my new puppy Ruby.
I'll have an actual post later on, but I said I would upload some pictures of the little fluff ball.
Just had to...
Created by: Kristin at 12:11 PM 2 comments
So much has been going on lately and it's kinda ridiculous! Friday my roommate and I went shopping at the Cambridgeside Galleria Mall in Lechmere for cute dresses for her birthday party the following night. We went to Macy's because they always seem to have a good selection, and we ended up finding the same dress in two different colors that we decided on. While this may sound silly, we were the hostesses so it made sense to us. When we went to check out, her dress came up to $69. which was how much the dress was, but mine came to $4.30. Weird, right? We never got a solid explination as to why there was a $65 difference besides the dresses being two different colors. As a birthday gift, I bought the dress for her.
Saturday was my roommates birthday party, and a few of her friends from home came in early to help us get ready with snacks and decorations. Around 30 people showed up throughout the night so it was a great turnout! We had the game on which was a lot of fun because people get really into the game and start yelling and screaming at the tv.
Sunday was a really hectic day for me. I had two exams on Monday: Data and Decision Analysis and Macroeconomics. I also had an outline due for my International Management class so I spent all day Sunday studying for my two exams and writing up my section of the outline about Kazakhstan. Most people have heard of that country from the movie Borat, but that movie really has that entire country wrong. I never really found that movie funny, but so many people rave about it. I've watched it once and tried to a second time, neither time resulting in any more of a reaction than "What am I watching?"
I think I did pretty decent in my Data and Decision Analysis exam. I don't think I really struggled with many problems. The bonus question, worth 5 points, I didn't do because I forgot how to deseasonalize data which I need to know to do the rest of the problem. Bummer.
The other 3 members of my group didn't turn in their section of the outline. I don't even want to spend more time complaining about my group, but I emailed my professor early Monday morning expressing my concerns to her, and when she looked at our outline, she saw I had completed my country but my other teammates had not. Needless to say she was not pleased and let it be known to the other 3.
My macro exam only lasted about 40 minutes which I was surprised about because I flew through it. There was only one problem I wasn't confident on which was 16 points, but I did my best to do as much as I could so I'm hoping for partial credit.
It was a very typical, very stressful, very upsetting Monday. Thank goodness it's over! Next up for me is finishing that dreaded outline with my group, formulating a homework assignment for the presentation, reading 3 chapters for a quiz tomorrow, and writing a short 2 page paper. Lucky me.
On a side note, my grandparents are coming to visit on Saturday! yay! They finally get to see where I live. My roommate and I are also going home that night because my family got a new golden retreiver puppy and my mom and stepdad will be at a Halloween party, and my sister will be in Florida, so I volunteered to sit home with Ruby (that's the dog's name although I don't know how I feel about it yet). So I'm going to have a swinging good time Saturday night with my roommate, my best friend Melissa, her boyfriend, and my friend Matty (aka the love of my life haha). We're going to order some food, watch a movie and babysit. I'll definitely be posting pictures of the little fluff ball.
Created by: Kristin at 11:55 AM 0 comments
I Need a Nap
I think I sat staring at the computer screen for a solid minute before I even began typing; yeah I'm that tired. I tend to wake up a lot during the night, last night especially. The walls in my apartment have proven to be impossible when it comes to putting tacks or nails in them, so instead all my stuff is being held up by those sticky squares that are supposed to be heavy duty...yeah not. At about 430 this morning I woke up because one of my picture collages fell down which of course resulted in a loud crash. Then at 815 someone below me was playing music and it was unusually loud outside; my life is not fair.
I have this huge 45 minute presentation due for one of my classes in less than a month, and my group is getting together for the first time today. One of the members can't meet, so it will be 3 of us, or maybe I should say just me because one girl is constantly on her phone, and one guy just doesn't say much of anything. I've never been the type of person to jump into being a group leader, but I guess I'll just have to be this time. We need a final outline done by the 20th, and I'm thinking about starting it before I head down to meet them just so I don't have to painfully sit there with them and end up doing it all myself anyway.
Has anyone else ever had this sort of situation before? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I already told my professor about my concerns weeks ago but she did nothing to help me. I never felt more frustrated than when we had to do a negotiation exercise and (with one missing group member) the other two left me hanging to do it all myself, and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. Even when I tried to get them involved by turning to one of them and saying "why don't you take this?" they looked at me like I had 3 heads and never really did what I asked them to do.
Other than my deep concern for failing this presentation, things are going well. My roommate turned 21 two days ago, and I baked her cupcakes and decorated the apartment, and we're going to have a get-together next weekend with some of our close friends. I ordered groceries last night through PeaPod and I'll get those delivered tomorrow, so I'll finally have food to eat! yay!
It's also a long weekend which is exciting, but I still have homework to do and I have to work for Admissions on Monday giving tours, but there's a great group of us working together so it'll be a lot of fun.
My mom's coming to visit on Sunday, so that means free food and other various goodies! I'm seeing Coldplay with my roommate on the 29th, I think I'm going to Six Flags for free (thanks to my sister being a DJ and getting free tickets to basically everything) on November 1st for Freight Fest, and I'm seeing Rascal Flatts with my best friend Melissa on November 2nd, all the while working at the hotel in my hometown. It's going to be a lovely end of the month of October, and an even better start to November.
And on that note, I'm off to the Welcome Center to get something to drink, and to do some work up here in the office all the while pondering how to hang my stuff up in the apartment. Have a lovely long weekend and enjoy the gorgeous weather!
Created by: Kristin at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Late Night Lesson
Some people say college is supposed to be the best time of your life. It's when you have amazing experiences, you live on your own, you travel, you know what it's like to truly be poor, and you meet the people that you'll be friends with for the rest of your life.
Created by: Kristin at 12:02 AM 0 comments