
It's crazy to be able to say I only have 7 days of classes left in my Undergraduate time here at Suffolk. Since I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursday, my days left are shorter than most other students who have classes all week.

I realized today I'm kind of running behind with some work I have to do. I have to come up with a new product for my Strategic Management class by April 15th and I have a 10 page paper due April 22nd; both of those days literally are just right around the corner.

I'll be done on April 29th with 1 final on May 4th which is such a tease! I get almost a full week off and then I have to go back at night on the 4th for a final. Boo.

My Easter weekend was lovely with the exception of Amtrak trains being shut down due to the flooding in RI. I was unable to travel home Thursday night as planned, so my dad had to come get me Friday morning.

Luckily I was able to come back to Boston Monday morning on the first train Amtrak was running since all the flooding. My sister celebrated the 2nd anniversary of her 25th birthday on Friday (she refuses to admit she's 27). Her fiance planned a surprise dinner party for her at Azu restaurant in Mystic, CT which is one of her favorite places to eat.

Easter was a pretty low key affair with my family. I don't get big Easter baskets or anything anymore but my mom still gives me some chocolate and most of my family came over to eat. Other than that nothing too exciting has been going on. My Disney trip has officially been charged to my dad's credit card so I need to start working on paying that off asap. I'll be spending 5 glorious nights at the incredibly gorgeous Polynesian Resort at the end of May. So excited!


Delia said...

you always comment on my posts so I thought I would leave a hello and I love you on your post :)