I only have 1 more day of classes left and it's crazy how fast the time has flown. (I'll keep all my sappy stuff for my last blog post, I promise!) I'm busier than ever with all the papers I have to finish. I have 2 papers due Thursday and I could hand in a third if I have it done on time which I'm planning on.
Saturday night Haley and Rachel held a Rubix Cube Themed party which was a lot of fun. Sadly I didn't dress up in all the colors of the rubix cube because it was a last minute decision to go; I don't have crazy colored clothes but I was able to drag Jack out for the festivities! Haley stole most of the pictures I took that night for her blog but this one is one of the best!
Last night was the end of the year dinner and it was a pretty sad night. Jack gave a wonderful speech about me, Chris talked about Nicole and Julie talked about Beckee. Nick and Meg both said incredibly sweet things about us and we all almost cried but we held it together!
The 3 seniors were also given Alumni shirts which was incredibly weird. I can't handle it!
Adam is coming to visit Thursday so I'll try to persuade him to buy me dinner...it'll be a perfect ending to my Senior year. Friday night is Spring Ball; Meg and Delia are coming over to get ready and we're going to go together! Plenty of pictures to come :)
Created by: Kristin at 12:54 PM 0 comments
I just found out yesterday my British Empire class will be ending a week early. I'm thrilled. Our professor also extended the deadline of our paper from the 22nd to the 27th so I have an extra weekend to work on it. Amazing.
Tomorrow my Pirates class is having a Pirate Food day and I'm a little terrified to see what kind of food my professor brings in.
Then next Thursday we're taking a walking tour of Boston focusing on pirate locations and then the final week (27th & 29th) we'll be watching Treasure Island and Pirates of the Caribbean. So stoked.
My other two classes aren't nearly as exciting for the next two weeks. One frustrating thing about my Small Business Management class is there are 8 teams, 7 of which have given presentations 2-3 times. Only 1 team has given a presentation once. It's completely unfair as my group has to do a paper, powerpoint and present 3 times and this one group only has to do a paper. No one has any idea why this team is getting preferential treatment; maybe they aren't and my professor keeps forgetting about them. Ugh.
I have to remember to stop at CVS on my way home today. I'm basically out of toothpaste, I have no tissues or paper towels. I've been forgetting to go for days. Anddd I need to do laundry. Just another thing to add to my list. Blah.
Created by: Kristin at 2:59 PM 0 comments
It's crazy to be able to say I only have 7 days of classes left in my Undergraduate time here at Suffolk. Since I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursday, my days left are shorter than most other students who have classes all week.
I realized today I'm kind of running behind with some work I have to do. I have to come up with a new product for my Strategic Management class by April 15th and I have a 10 page paper due April 22nd; both of those days literally are just right around the corner.
I'll be done on April 29th with 1 final on May 4th which is such a tease! I get almost a full week off and then I have to go back at night on the 4th for a final. Boo.
My Easter weekend was lovely with the exception of Amtrak trains being shut down due to the flooding in RI. I was unable to travel home Thursday night as planned, so my dad had to come get me Friday morning.
Luckily I was able to come back to Boston Monday morning on the first train Amtrak was running since all the flooding. My sister celebrated the 2nd anniversary of her 25th birthday on Friday (she refuses to admit she's 27). Her fiance planned a surprise dinner party for her at Azu restaurant in Mystic, CT which is one of her favorite places to eat.
Easter was a pretty low key affair with my family. I don't get big Easter baskets or anything anymore but my mom still gives me some chocolate and most of my family came over to eat. Other than that nothing too exciting has been going on. My Disney trip has officially been charged to my dad's credit card so I need to start working on paying that off asap. I'll be spending 5 glorious nights at the incredibly gorgeous Polynesian Resort at the end of May. So excited!
Created by: Kristin at 2:00 PM 1 comments