

Thought it was time for a pretty, new layout!

Usually I'm all for Suffolk but I have to say, yesterday was the most boring day of classes EVER. Literally. I sat through 6 presentations between 3 classes and thought I would never make it home. I really wish professors chatted with each other (like teachers used to in high school) to make sure something like 6 presentations don't happen in 1 day; wishful thinking. While it was boring, it also meant that I didn't have to do any homework in preparation for that day.

I've also just planned an East-Over dinner for all the Ambassadors. Our Not Your Average Thanksgiving Dinner was such a success that Jack suggested I host an Easter/Passover Dinner, so I am! I love when all of us get together.

Short and sweet post today!


Delia said...

hey cutie, miss seeing you in the office<3

Haley said...

Can't wait for our dinner!!! :)

Rachel said...

love the new layout!