
Late but worth the wait!

It's been a while since I've blogged, but I've been so busy in the office I haven't had time! I'm 4 weeks into my last semester at Suffolk and I can hardly believe how fast the past 3.5 years have flown by!

I only have classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's this semester so it opens up my Monday's and Wednesday's to sleep in a bit and then head to the Admissions office to work and give tours. My semester so far has been pretty busy since I've already had 1 exam and 2 presentations! It's a pretty hectic semester but it helps the time go by.

I've also been pretty busy working on what I'll be doing after graduation. It's a pretty big decision and I decided to not go to grad school right away. Instead, I applied for a paid internship in Disney World and was accepted last night. I move down in August and I'm super excited about working in one of their fabulous hotels down there. The program runs until January, so prior to the program ending, I'll apply for a full time job there and then in September of 2011 I'll work on getting my Master's in Hospitality and Tourism. yay!

Not much else has really been going on which makes me feel like a super uncool college Senior but I have had some lovely dinner dates with Beckee and Meg and I'm sure there are plenty more events to come!