
Almost Done!

The past couple weeks have been pretty busy for me. After my uneventful Halloween I've been busy with coming up with my schedule for my last semester at Suffolk. It's still so crazy to me every time I say or type that. My schedule looks pretty good with 4 classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays so that frees up Monday and Wednesday to work in the Admission Office to give tours!

I had a dry run presentation today for my Senior Capstone class. My Senior Capstone class is the one where it's a semester long group project about a community health center in South Boston. The dry run went okay but 2 of my group members were in charge of making pie graphs which didn't add up to 100% so that was not good but I probably should have caught that during our group meeting yesterday.

Other than that I am more than ready for Thanksgiving break. I'll be back in CT (and working) in less than a week and then it's back to school with presentations and papers. The first two week of December are going to be very busy for me with 3 presentations and a final paper. Yay senior year?

At least I have a month off from school so I can relax and earn some money to pay off my car (and trip to Disney!) and then it'll be back to school for my last semester!

Enjoy the new layout :)


Delia said...

mashed potatoes :)