
Why am I still sick?

I've finally gotten over my cold (yay!) but now it seems that I'm battling a stomach bug that seems to trigger around me sleeping which is really weird. Nothing can ever be simple with me.

Reading and homework is really starting to pile up and I'm not a fan. I think I have Senioritis already and I'm only through the first month of school. My History class demands a lot of reading which I'm resistant to doing because I'm not a History major; no excuse I know. I have a quiz Thursday so I know how I'll be spending my free time.

I really need to get most of my homework done tonight and tomorrow because I'm going to a wedding this weekend so we'll see how my time management skills work out...I'm going to say not well and move on.

My Human Resource Management class got cancelled tonight and I'm really excited about it because I truly dread my 9 hour Tuesdays. 10 more HRM classes but who's counting...right? :-)

Jack and I gave a lovely tour together today. It's nice to give a tour with another Ambassador because you sometimes get a completely different perspective; Jack has gone to our Madrid campus in Spain and is trilingual!

Back to work for another hour and then I get to go home!


3rd week back and I'm already sick.

I'm back! Did you miss me? :) It's kinda crazy to think that I'm already in my 3rd week of classes for my Senior year; it blows my mind. What also blows my mind is how I'm sick already. Ugh. No worries though, it's just a cold and after 6 days, I'm finally starting to feel better.

My summer was fun even though I worked a lot. I turned 21 in July and my sister surprised me with an all expenses paid trip to Disney. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love Disney but believe me when I say I didn't spend every waking moment hunting down Mickey and Cinderella. My sister and I spent a lot of time soaking up the sun at various pools around the Disney resort.

Chris, Meg and Allison came down to CT to celebrate my birthday with me which was awesome; they're such good friends to travel 2 hours down to see me. My parents got us a limo as we went out to dinner and drove around town. I later got into a frosting fight with my best friend (and boyfriend...the nerve he has!) and ended the night playing a few mean games of Twister.

Other than that, I worked a lot and now I'm happy as a clam back in Boston. I really hated being sick this past weekend because I missed out on two really good events: a fellow ambassador turned 21 on Friday so a whole bunch of people went out to celebrate and Saturday night most of the ambassadors got together. Sadly, I was in bed all day. Boo.

I'm pretty excited that I only have four classes this semester. I'm taking Management Information Systems, History of Italy (random, I know), Senior Capstone and Human Resource Management. I still have Friday's off and on Monday and Wednesday I only have 1 class which is fantastic.

Other than that I don't have much else to blog about so now I'm off to the next project I can find!